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How do I receipt a post?By clicking the receipt button on a friend's post or prediction, a receipt will be created in your vault under the receipts tab. This way, you can keep track of that post or prediction and refer back to it in the future when you are ready!
How do I repost a receipt?When you are ready to post a receipt, you will see a repost button show up on that receipt in your vault. Once you click that, you will be able to fill out the normal post fields and where you want to post that receipt to!
How do I join a pool?Click on the “Play” button in the main bottom navigation menu, and then navigate to the “Pools” tab at the top. You will see two tabs appear: “My Pools” and “Available Pools.” Switch to the “Available Pools” tab, which contains two sections: “Available Pools” and “Pool Templates.” In the “Available Pools” section, you will find pools that you can join. The “My Pools” tab also has two sections: the “Pools I’m In” section, where you can see any ongoing pools you are currently part of, and the “My Finished Pools” section, where you can find all the pools you have completed.
What are Pool Templates?Pool Templates are VLTED created pools that you can use to send to your friends, and only compete against who you invite! These will act as private pools, where no one other than those invited can see!
How do I join a community?Select the "Communities" button in the main bottom navigation menu. Here, you will see two tabs: "Your Communities" and "Discover." Select "Discover," and you will see all the communities available to join! In this section, you will find a "VLTED Recommends" area, as well as popular communities, with the ability to search for all other communities. Click on any community, and if it is a public community, all you need to do is click "Join." If the community is exclusive, you will need to request to join, and the community's admin will receive a notification to review your request.
Do all my posts/predictions go to a community?No, only the posts or predictions that you choose to share in a community will appear in that specific community.
Can I make a post/prediction that doesn’t go to a community at all?Yes, if you do not select a community, your post/prediction will still go through, but it will only show up on the home feed and your vault.
What do I do if I have an idea for a community that I don’t see on VLTED?If you have an idea for a community that you don't see on VLTED, please reach out to us at, and we would be happy to create one that adheres to our guidelines!
How do I access my challenge statistics?Select the “Play” button on the main bottom navigation menu. Select the “Challenges” tab at the top. This will bring up additional options: “Stats,” “Requests,” and “In Progress.” Stats will display your overall challenge record as well as your total Challenge Points, along with a chart showing your performance compared to each of your friends with whom you have challenged. Requests will show any outstanding challenge requests you have received, allowing you to decide whether you want to accept the challenge or not. In Progress will display all of the accepted challenges and their progress, enabling you to keep track of how your challenge is progressing in real time.
How do I make a challenge?When you go to add a post, make sure to select the middle button “Prediction”. After you choose what you want to predict, it will prompt you to choose challengers. This will be optional, but if you want to challenge someone, enter their name or username into the search field. Once you see who you are searching for, select them, and a box will pop up asking if you want to challenge them to any Challenge Points. Challenge Points are optional, but it is a way to show how confident you are in your side of the challenge, knowing if you win, you would accumulate their Challenge Points into your overall Challenge Score. Be careful though! If you lose the challenge, you would lose those Challenge Points from your Challenge Score, and your friend/opponent would win them , which would add the points to their score! Once you are ready to do so, go ahead and make the prediction and a challenge notification will be sent to your friend/opponent.
How is my home feed organized?The Home Feed is organized by what’s newest, with the option to sort by most popular as well. You can also use the “Community” tab on your Home Feed to filter your feed to only include posts made in the communities you are a part of. Additionally, you can use the “Following” tab on your Home Feed to filter your feed to only include posts made by those you follow. You have the option to keep the default sorting by what’s newest or sort by popularity.
What is that bar with purple that’s on my home feed and vault?The bar at the top of your home feed and your vault represents your VLTED progress, tracking the Experience Points (XP) between VLTED Levels. When your bar fills up completely, you will receive an achievement for reaching the next VLTED level, and your level icon will change to the next number on the left.
What is VLTED’s XP system and how does it work?VLTED's Experience Points (XP) system tracks your activity across the VLTED platform, allowing you to level up over time as a reward! Each action you take—whether it's predicting, posting, interacting, challenging, participating in pools, or more—will earn you a certain amount of points toward the next level.
Where are my old predictions from VLTED version 1?Thank you very much for being a VLTED original user! You should see a legacy badge in the achievements section of your vault. Although we launched our vaults anew with Version 2, there is no need to worry; all your old predictions are available on your archive page. In the top right corner of your vault page, click on the three dots, and you will have the option to "See Archive," which will lead you to all your old predictions!
How do I access my notifications?In the top right corner, there is a bell icon that contains all your notifications. Click the bell, and a page will open where you can access those specific actions.
How do I find other users?If you select the Menu icon in the top left corner of the app, which resembles three stacked horizontal lines, your side menu will open. In this menu, you will find a page titled “Search.” This page is specifically designed to allow you to search for users and locate their vaults.
How do I accept my friend requests?If you select the Menu icon at the top left of the app, which looks like three lines stacked on top of each other, your side menu will open. Here, you will see a list of people who have requested to follow you. You can accept their requests and follow them back if you would like.
How do I change my information, such as my username and email?If you select on the Menu icon on the top left of the app, which looks like three lines stacked on top of each other, your side menu will open up. This is where you can update your profile picture, first name, last name, email, and username. You can also Manage Your Subscription, Manage Blocked Users, or Delete Account on this page as well.
How do I find leaderboards?If you select on the Menu icon on the top left of the app, which looks like three lines stacked on top of each other, your side menu will open up. This is where you will find the page titled Leaderboards. On this page there will be two leaderboards, one of the entire community, and one of VLT Scores.
How do I collect my prize from the VLTED pool I placed in?If you are placed in a VLTED Cash Promotional Pool, you will receive an email from DocuSign to sign for your prize! Click the link and follow the instructions. You have 14 days to submit the document, and VLTED will pay you directly into your bank account within their semi-monthly pay cycle.
Do I have to sign a document every time I win a prize pool from VLTED?Yes, the document is for our legal team to confirm and track the prizes we send out. Don’t worry, though; after you fill out the full form the first time you win a VLTED Cash Promotional Pool, you will only need to complete a shorter one-page form each time you win thereafter.
What happens if my information changes from the past forms I filled out?If you need to change any of your information you have previously filled out, reach out to
How do I collect my prize from placing in a VLTED Pool?If you placed in a VLTED Cash Promotional Pool, you will receive an email from DocuSign to sign for your prize! Click the link and follow the instructions. You have 14 days to submit the document, and VLTED will pay you directly into your bank account within their semi-monthly pay cycle.
How do I access my subscription?You can access your subscription within our app because it is linked to either Apple or Google, depending on which phone you have. To locate it, you must navigate through your phone's settings to where all your other subscriptions are stored. If you cannot find your subscription there, it is most likely because you are not yet subscribed and are still in VLTED’s trial period, or you still need to complete the subscription process. After your free trial ends, the next time you open the app, you will be directed to the main sign-in page, where you will be prompted to subscribe. You must physically click "subscribe." There are no automatic charges, as we do not require you to link to your Apple or Google accounts until your trial has expired. Once you complete the subscription process through your phone, you will be able to sign back into VLTED and continue enjoying its features!
How do I provide feedback to VLTED?If you select the Menu icon in the top left corner of the app, which resembles three stacked lines, the side menu will open. Here, you will find the Feedback page. The Feedback page will display directions that guide you to a link and provide an email address where you can specifically reach out to us at
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